Sequin – his app display name – spends day and night on his mobile , being picked up by largely “ daddy “ types for anonymous, no holds barred sex in a whole series of apartments. Daytime the 16-year-old who lies about his age online, sits in literature classes discussing the meaning of love, while under his desk he scrolls through offers for encounters later.
But fatefully, he returns to the older man B , with dreadful violent results.
Will he find F , keep meeting older men or return the advances of a school-mate ? Watch the film to find out.
Conor Leach is mesmerising as Sequin with his sad-faced robotic love-making but overlaid when he’s happy with an impish smile. There are 2 secondary situations in the storyline – his relationship with his loving, over-trusting liberal-minded father ( Jeremy Lindsay Taylor ) and interestingly Sequin’s growing friendship with drag artist Virginia ( a nicely graduated performance by Anthony Brandon Wong ) .
It’s distributed by Peccadillo Pictures and is released on 9 April – see