
OUT WRITE, new poety anthology out now!

Besi Besemar January 5, 2013

WEB.600.OutWrite AdvertOUT NOW! The dazzlingly colourful OUT WRITE poetry anthology is now available – 32 pages of poetry, prose and images from the Norwich Pride writing group. Eight pages in full colour, and a full colour A5 cover – all for a very accessible £5!*

The OUT WRITE anthology has been edited by England’s only UNESCO City of Literature Pride Poet Laureate, Vince Laws, with design by Alexandra Blythe, and contributions from over a dozen new and experienced voices.

The anthology features visual poetry, collage poetry, painted text and carefully considered text on the page.

Copies can be ordered direct from Vince Laws on Facebook.

Or email:


Or send to:

Vince Laws, Ships Cottage, Oulton, Norfolk, NR11 6NU

Please add *£1 for P+P. and make cheques payable to V Laws.