
ME Society publish guidelines for medics

Besi Besemar September 24, 2018

The Sussex ME Society cares for many of the over 4,000 adults and children affected by the Chronic fatigue syndrome known as ME in the county.

THE Society has made available therapy and symptom management guidelines for medical professionals who are seeing patients with the illness.

The guide was developed through the British Association of CFS/ME (BACME), an organisation that represents UK health professionals working with the condition. It aims to provide information to support clinicians in their work with ME and includes both pharmacological and rehabilitative approaches

There is also a separate guideline that has been produced to assist professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of patients dealing with those that are house or bed-bound.

Colin Barton, Chair of the ME Society said: “Many medical professionals in Sussex are keen to know more about this illness that physically and mentally disables a good number of their patients and these guidelines can help”

Myalgic encephalopathy (ME) or Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) sometimes follows a viral infection or trauma is classified as a neurological disorder and these guidelines have been issued for the medical profession. Symptoms of ME include profound physical and mental fatigue, concentration and working memory difficulties – confusion, muscle pain, sleep and mood disturbances, gastric and vision problems.