
REVIEW: Dominicanos by Ernest Montgomery

October 8, 2014


Dominicanos : Photobook

Ernest Montgomery

FOR MANY YEARS, Ernest Montgomery has invested some of his time to travel to and photograph the men of the Dominican Republic.  This photo-book collects his most erotic works in one volume.  These men are stunning, with bodies and faces to make your soul shudder with longing. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a photo-book with such a breathtaking variety of utterly handsome and lip-smacking sexy men.


Each and every page is a real treat for the eyes, not only because Montgomery has the knack of relaxing each of these stunning masculine gods but also because he managed to make their pictures show their astoundingly huge and muscled bodies off to the greatest advantage and keep some suggestion of them as individual men rather than as exotic eye-candy.  It’s a rare photographer who goes in for this kind of glossy nude and manages to keep the man in the centre of the lens rather than his magnificent manhood.  Montgomery gives these men our attention but also gives them a voice, so they look back at us, defiant, curious and resolute.  His photographs not only draw attention to their sculptured forms but also let us pry into these men’s lives, past the vanity of the lens, of their need to be found beautiful, past our needs and the objectification of their bodies into something else, more knowing, more intelligent.

The preface is by bestselling author Terrance Dean, who explains the history of the Dominican Republic and also Montgomery’s photographic style and the history of his developing interest in the men there. “The Dominican Republic is sexy, seductive, engaging, and temperamental,” says Ernest. “This is where all my dreams are in colour.”


This is an exceptional book, full of 128 pages of full colour photographs of some astonishingly beautiful men in a Caribbean country almost as breathtakingly varied as the men who live there. If you fancy something with a little more class on your coffee table this autumn then this high-quality publication from Bruno Gmünder would stand out as something of interest to most men with a sophisticated interest in photography of the nude male form.

Do I gush, then? Yes, I gush, this is one of the best male nude photobooks I’ve had the pleasure to review in a while, and oh those butts!!


Out Now £40

Full Colour Hardback

For more information or to buy the book see the publisher’s website, CLICK HERE: