by Charlie Kiss
Imagine you are a proud lesbian and a feminist. You have the odd doubt about your sexuality but you understand how the male-dominated world works and are angry about it. You even go to prison to protest at the ultimate in male violence: nuclear weapons. Then one day, a shock realisation occurs that not only are you not a lesbian, but you are in fact, a man. Your world is turned upside down. This is Charlie’s story.
This is the story of broken families, isolation and a total collapse & rebirth of identity. It’s inspirational showing us passion and activism from a committed lesbian, feminist, socialist, anti-nuclear campaigner.
Kiss never flinches from showing us their mental health struggles and the huge impact it had on them, and their loved ones. Then with care, consideration and remarkable honestly Kiss tells us how stopping medication, doing daily struggle led them to learning to live with the conflict of self-identity.
This personal narrative is an enlightening and interesting read, and the throb of political engagement, fairness and the conviction of being able to change and build a better word is a fiery undercurrent to what can be a tender vulnerable tale, honest and soul baring. It’s an enticing ambiguity, of fire and ice, with a happy ending.
Out Now
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