Transgender News

Trans charity Mermaids launches Trans Youth Manifesto ahead of the General Election

Graham Robson June 12, 2024

With the UK heading to the polls on July 4 to elect a new government – and issues affecting trans people likely to be a polarised talking point – trans charity Mermaids has launched its Trans Youth Manifesto.

Developed by trans young people, for trans young people, the Trans Youth Manifesto calls on the future government to listen to:

  • Prioritise safety and support for trans youth in education,
  • Provide affordable and timely access to gender affirming healthcare,
  • Respect the existence and humanity of trans young people.

Mermaids say: “The voices of trans young people are missing from so many from these conversations. Their opinions and experiences are all too often overlooked and ignored by those in power.

“Trans young people’s message to politicians is clear: they want to feel safe, welcome and protected, and to live in a world where they are celebrated, not debated.

“We are looking forward to working with whoever is in power on July 5 to make that happen, and continuing their mission to build a better world to grow up trans.”