
Queer in Brighton wants to hear your story

Besi Besemar November 5, 2012

Queer in Brighton, a year-long heritage project celebrating Brighton’s unspoken LGBT histories from 1945 to the present day, is looking for written contributions (stories, poems, texts), photos, videos or other historical visual materials to create an oral record of local LGBT life experiences in Brighton.

If you have a story to tell and wish to learn new skills, then workshops have already been announced for November with more planned for the future.

Project Manager Lesley Wood said:

“Queer in Brighton aims to celebrate some of the people, places and events that have made Brighton the uniquely queer place it is.
“We would love to hear and collect the memories and experiences of as many queer/LGBT people as possible over the next 6 months. We will hold a whole range of performance events throughout the year, and the project will culminate with the launch of a book and exhibition in time for Pride 2013.”

Anyone who is interested in telling their story, writing about their life in Brighton or just having a cup of tea and a chat should email:

Or telephone: 01273 735353

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