
Simple breath test may help doctors treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A quick and easy, non-invasive breath test could help hundreds of thousands of patients who have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

WEB.600IBS affects more than four million people in the UK, but it is estimated that one in five of those diagnosed with IBS may have the more simple to treat condition known as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). The condition produces symptoms similar to IBS and is caused by having too much bacteria in the gut.

A range of breath monitors called Gastrolyzer, developed by Bedfont Scientific, can be used to aid the detection of SIBO by measuring the amount of methane and hydrogen in a patient’s breath caused by excessive bacteria in the gut. Once a diagnosis has been made the condition can be treated quickly and effectively with a course of antibiotics.

Dr Anthony Hobson, Functional Gut Clinic, London, said, “I see many patients with suspected IBS daily and one of the problems I face is determining the diagnosis. (The Gastrolyzer) allows us to objectively quantify how the gut microbiota are contributing to IBS-like symptoms and helps us to target future treatments.”

April is IBS Awareness month, a worldwide initiative to help raise awareness of the condition.

Jason Smith, General Manager at Bedfont Scientific, added, “IBS awareness month is the perfect time to raise the profile of the misdiagnosis that many IBS sufferers may have encountered. If they can be tested with the Gastrolyzer for other intolerances and conditions first, that are easily treatable, it could have a positive outcome on many people’s lives.”

For more information on IBS, click here:

To watch how the test works, click here:


Chief Fire Officers Association launches first ‘Drowning Prevention and Water Safety Week’

Fire and rescue services across the UK are supporting the Chief Fire Officers Association’s (CFOA’s) first Drowning Prevention and Water Safety Week which is taking place till April 19.


THE campaign highlights the danger of Cold Water Shock, which causes a number of fatalities every year because young people – even those who are strong swimmers – are often unaware of the effect that swimming in open water can have on their bodies and on their ability to swim.

Fire and Rescue Services will be encouraging young people aged 16-30 to ‘Tell a Friend. Save a Friend.’ as even on a warm day, the temperature of the water in a reservoir, quarry or lake can remain very cold. The shock of cold water can then create a physical response that can make it more difficult to swim, and may cause death.

As part of the week, CFOA and fire and rescue services are showing competition winning, hard-hitting images created by students on the Advertising and Branding Design course at University of Wales Trinity Saint David. The drowning prevention posters were chosen by CFOA’s Water Safety Lead, Dawn Whittaker, in conjunction with water safety campaigner Beckie Ramsay, whose Doing it for Dylan water safety campaign was created following the tragic drowning of her 13-year-old son in 2011.

The overall winning poster was designed by student Tilly Baker, who compared the effects of cold water shock to being wrapped in clingfilm.

Six other posters were also chosen to promote the week, with student Suzi Niculescu devising the Tell a Friend. Save a Friend. message.

CFOA’s Water Safety Lead, Dawn Whittaker, warned: “While reservoirs, lakes, rivers and other inland water may look safe and inviting, particularly on a warm day, there are hidden dangers below the surface that could make you ill, hurt you, and – at worst – could kill you. Cold Water Shock is a physical response that can not only affect your breathing, but will reduce your muscle ability and can even lead to a heart attack.”

Speaking of further dangers, Dawn added: “Moving water, such as rivers, may look calm but may have strong currents below the surface which can carry even strong swimmers into danger. And, of course, from out of the water, or above, you may not be able to see dangerous obstructions such as large rocks or dead branches that can cause you injury. You may also want to consider the fact that open water is untreated, and may be polluted with bacteria and algae that can give you stomach upsets, or even with organisms that can cause a number of nasty illnesses including Weil’s Disease, Trachoma and Whipworm.”

The CFOA hopes its new Water Safety Week will reinforce the important work being done by the Royal Life Saving Society’s Drowning Prevention Week (20-28 June), the Royal National Lifeboat Institute’s Respect the Water campaign (July), and the joint RNLI/ASA’s Swim Safe swimming and beach safety ‘roadshow’ in July and August.

YouTube artist Boyinaband launches new LGBT music video

YouTube artist Boyinaband has released a new music video, Spectrum, which focuses on young LGBT people and the issues they may face when coming out and dealing with their sexual identity.


THE video is a joint project with somewhereto_ a UK wide charity which offers young people aged 16-25 access to free spaces in their communities to pursue creative and enterprising endeavours. Boyinaband, AKA David Brown, is an ambassador for the charity, which sourced and provided the location for the video.

Directed by Creative Director & Producer Mike Buonaiuto, the narrative of Spectrum features two stories of young people struggling to explore and understand their sexual identity. In one scene a girl hides her relationship with her girlfriend from her mother fearing she may be kicked out of the family home.  In another scene a young man sits alone at a bus stop seeking help and advice online. He appears to have experienced physical abuse.

To view the video, click here: 

To learn more about somewhereto_click here:




A leading men’s health charity and NHS join forces for safer chemsex campaign

Leading men’s health charity and NHS join forces for safer chemsex campaign.


GMFA, the leading gay men’s health organisation, and Burrell Street Sexual Health Clinic, the largest and most comprehensive NHS sexual health service in London, are joining forces to give gay men advice to make their chems use safer.

The number of gay men using drugs while having sex, particularly G, mephedrone and crystal meth, has increased in recent years.  These drugs lower inhibitions, enhance sexual arousal and are mostly cheap and easy to get, often leading to sexual risk-taking.

When misused or dosed incorrectly, these drugs can be harmful to gay men’s physical, sexual and mental health. This is why GMFA and Burrell Street are launching Safer Chems – a campaign and web resource to reduce the harms of chemsex.

The new campaign will provide information on safer dosing, safer sex, advice on how to stay in control of your sex life, how to deal with an emergency, and advice on PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis).

A recent report by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs found that campaigns intended to stop people taking drugs were not effective and, in some cases, increased the chance of people taking drugs.

“What we wanted to do is present something different to the ‘just say no’ style of campaigns that are out there” says GMFA’s Campaigns Manager, Liam Murphy.  “Someone who is having chemsex but still managing to maintain a career, friendships and a ‘normal’ life outside of their weekend fun, may not identify with that message of danger. We wanted to create a web resource that chemsexers can go to (to) get more information about what they’re doing and make an informed decision about their own sex life and drug use. We want gay men to enjoy their sex life the way they want but to also show it may affect their physical, sexual and mental health in the long-term. The campaign provides guidance to help men reduce their risks as well as support for men who want to cut down or stop their drug use.”

Senior Sexual Health Promotion Specialist at Burrell Street Clinic, Vicki Kirby, explains why they wanted to get involved with the campaign: “Burrell Street is seeing a huge increase in the numbers of gay men seeking PEP. This is attributed to the use of drugs such as GHB, mephedrone and crystal meth. These drugs can cause a loss of inhibitions, memory loss and even black-outs. Users are not always able to negotiate safer sex and some do not remember what kind of sex they have had. Burrell Street takes a realistic approach to the fact that chemsex is part of some men’s lives, and that harm reduction messages are essential. GMFA have a broad reach into the gay community and a strong social media presence which makes them the ideal organisation to partner up with to promote factual, unbiased messages relating to chemsex.”

The campaign already has the backing of many saunas and clubs – places where drug overdoses have been reported in recent months – with many venues now carrying promotional materials.

To find out more about the Safer Chems web resource, click here:

Or  hashtag #saferchems




Barack Obama to receive 2015 IGLTA Chair Award

The International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) has announced that President Barack Obama will receive its prestigious Chair Award for 2015.

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

THE award is presented to an individual or business that has made significant improvements to the landscape of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender travel.

On April 9, White House LGBT Liaison Aditi Hardikar will accept the honour on the President’s behalf at travel association’s Los Angeles convention.

“This administration has gone to great lengths to make the U.S. more welcoming to the global LGBT community and has allowed individuals with HIV/AIDS to travel freely,“ says IGLTA Board Chair Dan Melesurgo. “We all know travel opens minds and changes perceptions. The actions of President Obama and his administration certainly have created a more positive experience for all of us.”  

In 2009, Obama lifted a 22-year-old travel ban that prevented visitors and immigrants with HIV from entering the United States, saying that it “was rooted in fear rather than fact.” A year later the Department of State revised standards for gender designation on passports, making it easier for transgender people to travel.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection also eased entry into the United States by expanding the definition of family to include domestic partners in 2012 and to recognise children of same-sex parents regardless of adoption status in 2014.

The Chair Award will be presented as part of the opening keynote session of what will be IGLTA’s 32nd Annual Global Convention.

Aditi Hardikar says:  “It’s an honour to accept this award on behalf President Obama for his leadership in helping eliminate barriers for the LGBT community around the world. The United States places great importance on the protection and promotion of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people, including LGBT persons globally.”

For more information, click here:

Or on Facebook:


Gay Rugby team say “come out and vote”

King’s Cross Steelers, the world’s first gay and inclusive rugby team, are standing alongside campaigning organisation HOPE not hate and calling for LGBT+ people to exercise their right to vote and promote equality at the ballot box.

King's Cross Steelers

The voter registration campaign – which is also supported by the Communication Workers Union, Unison, GMB Shout!, Unison, ASLEF and Britannia Staff Union – has been organised to highlight changes to the voter registration process which could see millions lose their right to vote if they don’t check and re-register.

These changes are causing the biggest drop off from the electoral register in our history, according to research from HOPE not hate.  The drop off is likely to have a major impact on the outcome of the General Election in May, as many of the worst affected constituencies are in key marginal seats.

There are almost one million fewer people on the electoral register compared to last year, most of them students, thanks to the changes brought about last summer by the Government’s new Individual Electoral Registration (IER).

Groups particularly affected include 17-18-year olds, those living in private rented accommodation and those from newer immigrant communities.

Taken nationally with those already eligible but not registered to vote, there are now some 8.5m people missing from the UK’s electoral register.

You can make sure you’re registered to vote by going to

To learn more about HOPE not hate campaign, click here:

For more on the King’s Cross Steelers, click here: 

Bath Tourism shares development vision and visitor survey results at annual members’ forum

Hard on the heels of the recent announcement that the south-west is to receive  £5 million in government funding for tourism, Bath Tourism Plus (BTP), the destination marketing organisation for Bath and the surrounding area, hosted hundreds of local businesses at the annual Bath Tourism Plus Members’ Forum.


THE event, which took place on Tuesday, March 10 at Komedia in central Bath, was an opportunity for the BTP team to share marketing plans and its vision for the future with local businesses and partners in and around Bath.

David James, recently appointed as Chief Executive of Bath Tourism Plus, took centre stage and announced that following the £5 million investment across the south-west, Bath will be well placed to benefit from some of the spend.

He said: “The main theme of the day was working in partnership and how, as the UK’s leading Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO), we run a series of highly successful marketing initiatives and events, most notably the Bath Christmas Market and the Great Bath Feast, that directly encourage footfall and overnight stays in the city of Bath.

“These are very exciting times for Bath Tourism Plus, especially with the announcement of further funding in the south-west as well as the appointment of a new Head of Marketing for Bath Tourism Plus.

“Our marketing activity is specially designed to support our partners and drive even more business into the local economy; in 2013 alone, Bath attracted 967,000 staying visits from UK and overseas visitors, plus an impressive 4.8 million day visits. Bath also generated an estimated £405 million of visitor spend in the local economy. 10% of jobs in BANES are tourism related, that’s equivalent to 9,300 jobs.”

To a packed auditorium, Bath Tourism Plus also announced key findings from the Bath Visitor Survey 2014, which was conducted by the South West Research Company Ltd.

Diane Goffey, from the South West Research Company Ltd, explained: “The last survey was undertaken in 2010 and so the latest set of results provide up-to-date profiles of visitors and identifies new emerging trends in the profile of tourism in the city.

“One of the overwhelmingly positive messages coming out of the 2014 survey findings is visitors’ high level of satisfaction with their overall experience in the city and the fact that a very high proportion of them would go on to recommend it as a place to visit to their friends and family.”

Key findings from the Bath Visitor Survey 2014 include:

•      44% of visitors were on a day trip whilst 55% were overnighting

•        75% of groups to the city contained adults only

•        39% of visitors were aged 55+

•        73% of visitors were categorised as ABC1’s

•        77% of visitors were on a leisure/holiday visit to the city

•        83% of staying visitors were using serviced accommodation

•        Average length of stay was 2.47 nights

•        Average length of a day trip to Bath was 5 hours 21 minutes

•        58% of visitors were on a repeat visit to the city

•        54% of visitors arrived by car, van or motorcycle

•       8% of visitors were visiting as part of an organised group/coach tour

•        Visitor spend per head was calculated at £57.81 per person

•        92% of visitors rated the overall enjoyment of their visit to Bath as ‘high’ or ‘very high’.

Highlighting another success story of the year, the BTP team and Bath BID also announced new changes to the already successful Bath App including car parking availability as well as a film and heritage trail.

To read a copy of the Bath Visitor Survey 2014, click here: 

For more information about things to see and do in Bath, click here:


Global LGBT travel organisation announces scholarship winners for breakthrough work in travel development

The International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) Foundation has announced the names of the five recipients of the third annual Building Bridges Scholarships.

IGLTA Foundation

THE 2015 winners, from China (2), Colombia, Jamaica and Japan, will each receive an all-expenses-paid trip and conference registration for the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association’s Annual Global Convention in Los Angeles, April 8-11.

The scholarship program was created to support the next generation of LGBT travel professionals and allies. This year, scholarships went to three students and two small business owners.

John Tanzella
John Tanzella

We’re thrilled about this diverse group of well-deserving scholarship recipients,” said IGLTA President/CEO John Tanzella.This is the first time we’ve had Asia represented in the programme, and the two small business owners we selected are developing tours for Bucaramanga (Colombia) and Jamaica, reinforcing our commitment to assist LGBT businesses in emerging destinations or places with governmental challenges. We hope the conference experience will help lead them to bright futures in our industry.”

This year’s Building Bridges Scholarship recipients are:

  • Kan Kikumoto: Kan is a student at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. He hopes to lead LGBT tours in Japan, his home country, when he completes his studies.
  • Wang Hao: known as Charlie, Wang Hao was born and raised in China where he took an internship at the Beijing LGBT Centre. He is now an economics student at the University of Tokyo and is pursuing interests in LGBT tourism and marketing.
  • Ena Yanagi: Ena studies tourism and gender and LGBT issues at Meiji Gakuin University in her home city of Yokohama, Japan. She wants to become a travel agent.
  • Olubode Shawn Brown: Olubode founded BLOOM Jamaica in 2010 to safely take gay and lesbian travellers to his home country for an annual party in Negril. This year he is launching BLOOM Escapes, to offer small, customized tours to Jamaica with an insider’s LGBT perspective.
  • Fabio Rugeles: Fabio owns a small business called Cibum S.A.S. which is developing a gastronomy tour route to showcase his home city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, to LGBT travellers.

The International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association is the leading member-based global organization dedicated to LGBT tourism and a proud Affiliate Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. The association’s membership includes LGBT and LGBT-friendly accommodations, destinations, service providers, travel agents, tour operators, events and travel media in 80 countries.

In 2012, the philanthropic IGLTA Foundation was launched to support the mission of the association and its membership through scholarships, marketing assistance in emerging destinations, and research.

For more information, click here:

For more information on the Annual Global IGLTA Convention, click here: 



LGBT charity launches campaign to save its Patron from deportation

LGBT organisation Proud2Be Project has launched a new campaign in support of its Patron, Aderonke Apata, who is currently under threat of forceful deportation back to Nigeria, a country where LGBT people are politically persecuted, imprisoned and murdered.

Aderonke Apata
Aderonke Apata

DURING a recent judicial review, a barrister acting on behalf of the Home Office questioned whether Aderonke could claim asylum on the grounds of being a lesbian when she has children.

Aderonke’s barrister, Abid Mahmood, responded that these were “highly offensive… stereotypical views of the past”.

He continued: “Some members of the public may have those views but it doesn’t mean a government department should be putting these views forward in evidence”.

Now Proud2Be’s WEAREHERE campaign has been launched to support Aderonke by highlighting to government and the general public that many LGBT people are parents, carers and guardians too.

Proud2Be co-founder Mat said: “We are very proud to know Aderonke. She has shown so much support to Proud2Be and we are honoured to call her a friend. This is our way of demonstrating our solidarity with her and those like her who are seeking asylum in the UK on the grounds of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. We are inviting all LGBT people to send in photos of them with their children or alternatively, pictures of their family drawn by their children.” 

Identical twin brothers Mat and Jon Price founded Proud2Be nearly four years ago in their mum’s spare room, when they recorded a short video explaining why they are both proud to be gay. Since then a number of high profile LGBT figures, including Stephen Fry, have contributed to what has now become an international campaign.

To join the WEARHERE campaign, email your photos or pictures to or share them via Twitter using the hashtag #WEAREHERE.

For more information about the campaign click here:

For more information about Proud2Be, click here:

Stand up for live music venues in Brighton and Hove

Supporters of Brighton’s music scene are asking you sign an online petition to help stop the closure of the city’s music venues.

Blind Tiger Club

CAMPAIGNERS, led by local promoter Mark Stack, want an end to the ‘insanity’ of the current practice, where someone can deliberately move next door to a long established music venue and then force its closure by complaining to the council about noise levels.

On March 26, Mark will be presenting the petition to the full council meeting at Brighton Town Hall. Councillors will then be obliged to debate the issue.

The 1990 Environmental Protection Act primarily deals with controlling toxic emissions in the environment, but also includes measures to deal with areas such as littering, animal welfare, and, crucially, noise abatement. Mark believes that this legislation is now being systematically abused, “Clearly it is designed to protect residents from unruly neighbours and extreme noise from industry. I can’t believe it was intentionally worded to destroy our music venues. This is our cultural heritage we are losing and it needs protecting with as much endeavour as historic buildings, twee streets and Battersea chimneys.”

Brighton is well known as a haven for musicians of all ages. A local music magazine quotes that half of the city’s youth between the ages of 12 and 24 at some point join a band.  Protecting the city’s venues is vital if Brighton wants to remain a place where live music can thrive.

Campaigners point out that it’s not just smaller venues that are being affected by this negative trend. Last year saw the closure of the Blind Tiger Club in the heart of the city. Brighton & Hove council issued a noise abatement notice in response to complaints by someone who had moved into the flat above it.  The story went viral on social media and was reported in national newspapers. Over 15,000 people signed a petition to save the long-standing venue, but it was finally closed on May 16, 2014

The venue campaign has also received the backing of Mike Weatherly, MP for Hove.

Mike Weatherley MP
Mike Weatherley MP

Mike said: “Protecting live music venues is crucial. Brighton & Hove has a wealth of established music venues that contribute a huge amount to our city and it would be a tremendous shame to see any of them threatened. I recently raised the importance of live music venues across the country to our economy with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and hope that councillors in Brighton & Hove will protect these important local institutions.”

Mark Stack is keen to point out that he’s not asking for a noise-makers charter: “We just want the council to redress the balance, working together to remove the ability for somebody to move close to an established venue and then have it closed down. The local music scene has a vitality that is so important to the city’s economy, tourism and ability to attract investment.”

To sign the petition, click here: