
‘Dear Cisgender People’: debut novel by trans activist Kenny Ethan Jones – the first trans man to front a period campaign

Graham Robson June 18, 2024

With over 80,000 followers on Instagram, Kenny Ethan Jones is on a mission to further educate, inspire and normalise trans people existing. Having already made history by being the first trans man to front a period campaign, Kenny is just about to release his debut novel, Dear Cisgender People: A Guide to Allyship and Empathy – a powerful, extensively researched, and deeply personal memoir, which offers an authentic and in-depth insight into the trans experience.

Having featured on LBC Radio, Radio 1 Extra, and Channel 4, Kenny is currently working on a documentary where he reduces his testosterone and goes on a similar journey to IVF in order to harvest his eggs for his older sister so she can have a baby of her own, which he documented his TikTok.

Kenny has worked on campaigns including Spotify’s, Find your Feels, all about how music makes us feel, featuring influencers such as Molly-Mae and Absolut’s #BorntoMix campaign, formed of Olly Alexander, the Absolut choir and inspiring changemakers. The campaign initiative, which was nominated in the British LGBT Awards, was to raise the volume on important causing including body positivity, self-love and trans rights.

Being a long serving ambassador for Bloody Good Period, a charity that provides period products to those who can’t afford them, Kenny is launching Lost Fame later this year – a masculine styled period-underwear brand designed for all people with periods. Kenny said: “Out of frustration for a lack of period products for himself and others like me, I started this brand to normalise being trans and to offer products suitable for everyone.”

Dear Cisgender People (DK Life), which includes other voices such as singer-songwriter Lucy Spraggan and trans actor and activist Charlie Craggs, covers a large range of topics, including JK Rowling‘s perspective of the trans community, trans youth accessing puberty blockers and navigating the difficult intersection of being Black and trans.

Kenny said: “In a society full of misinformation about trans people I want this book to serve as the truth. Trans people need more allies now than ever before, this book will give you the tools and knowledge to advocate on our behalf.”

To buy Kenny’s book Dear Cisgender People: A Guide to Allyship and Empathy, CLICK HERE