
Poet named as the second Brighton Pride Ambassador for 2015

Alice Denny has been voted as the second Pride Ambassador for 2015 and will represent the trans community at the front of the Pride parade on August 1.

Alice Denny
Alice Denny: Photograph by Sharon Kilgannon,

ALICE transitioned later in life than most after bringing up her children and says her transition gave her “a new lease of life, a new energy”.

In July 2014 Alice was part of the Brighton Trans*formed Project.

At the time she said: “It was an honour and humbling to play a small part in Brighton Transformed. I am completely awed by the energy and commitment of people (not all trans but with a belief in human dignity) that drove this project along, placing trans issues and trans lives to the forefront. It did so much to affirm our lives and experiences and the Brighton populace responded with warm generosity. It felt good. Really good.”

Originally from Hastings, Alice found her way to Brighton and with the help of Switchboard and the Clare Project found the courage to live her life as she wanted and has never looked back.

Alice identifies primarily as a woman, parent and poet, and says that being trans is more coincidental, a reference to her development that she says has little current relevance, although, in practice it has a big impact on the way she interacts with the world and how the world treats her.

Her poetry is powerful and recently she captivated the audience at the IDAHOBIT Day event on May 17 in New Steine Gardens in Kemptown with a selection of her poems.

Alice has been the subject of a My Genderation Film produced by Lucky Tooth productions where she tells her story about transitioning and reads her poem, Alice’s Dream. “I’m, nobody’s tranny, I’m nobody’s bitch, Quite simply a woman, No more, No bit less.”

To view the film and hear her read her poem, Alice’s Dream, click here: